Friday, October 5, 2007

Urban Savagery: Lesson 3-The Three-Man Slingshot

The 3-man slingshot is by far the most powerful homemade weapon you will ever make. The main part of it consists of a single piece of bungee rope about 12-14 feet long, with the ends tied together to make a giant rubber band. Before you tie the ends, put two foot long tubes on for handles. Then sew on a pouch for holding the "ordinance." After this, you're pretty much ready to go. You seriously need to be careful with these because I shot a water balloon through my neighbor's window with one. Two panes too. These things can shoot anything you can think of that's about the size of a baseball.

Friday, September 21, 2007


-Any and all injuries or fatalities that may occur as a result of the careless use of these objects are not to be compensated by the blogger or any of his affiliates. The safety of those around the user (and the user himself) is solely their responsibility, and any damage that ensues as a result of personal stupidity is no fault of the blogger or his affiliates-

Urban Savagery: Lesson 2-The Slingshot

You can make a simple, reasonably powerful slingshot quite easily out of a few simple objects. You will need four size 117 rubber bands from OfficeMax (get the thicker ones), one crotch from a stick at least an inch in diameter, and with the crotch angle at least 65 degrees. Also needed is a sturdy strip of cloth at least 3" by 1.5" with a hole punched about 0.5" inchs from either end. Cut each rubber band so that you have four strips of rubber. Tie two to each arm of the crotch, then tie two each to the strip of cloth using the punched holes. You now have a completed slingshot that fires marbles and small pebbles at serious speed.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Urban Savagery: Lesson 1-The Blowgun

The blowgun is probably the most deadly of all homemade weapons, and it is fiendishly easy to make. All one needs to make a basic blowgun and darts are: 1 3-4 foot PVC tube (The diameter can be between 7/16" and 3/16"), a straight connecter that matches the diameter of your tube, a sheet of paper, scissors, a wire clipper and a wire coat hanger.
Cut a half dozen 2" pieces off the straight part of the coat hanger, and use a file or a grinder to sharpen one end to a brutal point. This accomplished, cut as many 3" by 3" squares of paper, and roll them into a tight cone, the diameter of which fits the inside of your tube snugly. Take a cone, and stick one of the needles you made into it, point first, from back to front so the point extends about 1.5" out the point of the cone. Use a hot glue gun or other strong glue to fill the very tip of the cone, holding the point straight out the front. Having made a dart, stick the connecter on one end of the tube (this will be your mouthpiece), and insert the dart point first in there. Put the thing to your mouth and insert your toungue right behind the dart, then blow like you are spitting sunflower shells. This thing has awesome power if you do it right.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

How, er, Ironic

Here it is. The loudest holiday of the year. I love making bombs and fireworks, so here's my chance to splurge. Then, like a dud firecracker, it fizzles and goes out. Let me explain. Given circumstances out of control, we are not able to make it to the cabin. Hence, we are unable to buy lots of cheap fireworks, or get any big or illegal buggers. Beyond that, I'm a little low on pyrotechnic supplies. Unfortunately, I am unable to make rockets, fountains or even The Works bombs in any useful quantities. The aforesaid circumstances out of control are things like family being in town, grandpa dying and an invitation to a friend-of-my-parents-and-my-brother's for some lame "party." I gotta wait a whole @#$%*! year for this again. Hmmm. Maybe Labor Day...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I Love Videos

No. I hate video. Especially the homemade stuff that no matter how careful you are with it, you still do irreparable damage to it. No matter how meticulous you are, you'll still tape over the most important parts. No matter how carefully you time your imported clips, they'll still be just nanoseconds off, and it'll ruin the whole @#%$&*! thing. So it is with trying to create an anthology of all of ones exploits. You've no idea of how many really nice clips I've accidentally ERASED! I'm so mad I might have to go blow something up or break something, or maybe hug my teddy bear.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Aha. A more sophisticated bomb. A 20 oz. pop bottle. Fill the bottom with pieces of rolled up aluminum foil. Pour The Works toilet bowl cleaner into the bottle until the level of cleaner is slightly above the level of aluminum foil. Screw the cap on tight. Shake. Shake hard. When the botle starts to get taught, set it down and run. Be warned, when the bottle explodes, it sprays hydrochloric acid all over. It even creates fumes (sometimes) that are so powerful it made me cough hard. The gas created by the reaction is hydrgen. Obviously, this creates some startling opportunities, given that hydrogen is EXTREMELY flammable.