Thursday, March 29, 2007

Methods of (heh heh heh) "Retribution."

(disclaimer) any and all comments in following "blog" are not to be taken seriously or tried. For gosh sakes, why do I feel the need to put that down?

The following are methods of bothering your neighbors, possibly driving them to the brink of insanity. It's a good idea to have a video camera on hand, because things WILL get interesting.

-Smoke his mailbox, using heavy duty smoke devices.
-Make as much noise as possible (outside, of course).
-Cars make good targets;soap them.
-If he's got big trees, TP 'em.
-Silly string! (I think this statement speaks for itself)
-Make fiendish devices in plain sight. (if he sees you test-firing eggs out of a three-man slingshot, he might change his tune.
-Use sidewalk chalk to convey messages.
-Leave a blowgun dart stuck in one of his trees. Try to be on hand when he finds it.
-PLEASE don't try any of this, or if you do, don't blame me for the, ah, "problems" you may encounter.

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